Hey there!
Soon I'll be launching three comic crowdfunding campaigns on three different crowdfunding websites (Indiegogo, FundMyComic & Kickstarter; with Trinity of War, Shadows Cast from Broken Skies & The Usual Jim respectively).
Stay tuned and/or scroll down for more!

1) The usual Jim
(Cover in progress!)

The Usual Jim is a compendium of fairy tales that revolve around one father's struggle with alcohol, madness, loneliness. Bit by bit we get to the bottom of the legends that made him mad.
Events unfold up and down Mount Paramount, an area – quite literally – frozen in time.
2) Shadows Cast from broken skies
A family-friendly, seven page origin story of the THE USUAL JIM universe.
What to expect? Fighting siblings. Vivid colors. LOTS of explosive fun!
3) Trinity of war​​​​​​​
Girls: This genre is basically a cold shower in story form. By this, I mean every obstacle in real life will, to the target audience, come across as utterly insignificant when compared to the smattering of events unfolding between panels.​​​​​​​
Boys: This one is for you.

ALL THE WAY back in March 2021, I challenged myself to put pen to glass and draw 32 pages in a month. This while also taking on freelance work for clients. I happened to have a few chapters from a Creative Writing course lying around and that's what I chose to draw.
This is the manner in which TRINITY OF WAR came to be born.
Having quit the day job teaching. It's time for me to embark upon a new adventure: refurbishing, releasing and ever expanding upon the existing pages of the comic as well as announcing what has to – there's no doubt in my mind now – come next.
Before any of that however, please take a moment to subscribe to the newsletter and take a look at, upfront, the risks and challenges this indie campaign may face and what you can expect when you pledge your support. Also know that, immediately upon campaign completion, backers can look forwards to receiving the PDF VERSION of the first draft of the comic, the PROSE CHAPTER that inspired the now-comic, and with more perks SOON TO FOLLOW!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Before any of that however, please take a moment to subscribe to the newsletter and then read on to what else you can expect when you've finished pledging your support to this monumental campaign! Also know that, immediately upon campaign completion, backers can look forwards to receiving the PDF VERSION of the old version of the comic, the PROSE CHAPTER that inspired the now-comic, and with more perks (three kinds) SOON TO FOLLOW!
On the getting-the-word-out front, you will be more than pleasantly surprised by what a one man army can achieve. That said, unlike with most crowdfunding campaigns, with Trinity of War's, the more backers we garner and the more hype we generate, the more bang for everyone's buck!
More on how and why below.
First, however, scroll on down for the...
On top of buying the digital comic, backers have three additional means of supporting the Trinity of War campaign (and as the saying goes: the more, the merrier!).
Naturally, my commission slots are, and will be, limited in availability. Advertising slots come in two formats: the 1/4 page and the 1776 full-pager. Both can be manually removed from the PDF file by backers (so let's work together and try and make them look good!)
The last perk – the best perk – called DEAD INSIDE, allows backers to be tragically unmade within the confines of the comic. Perk also works with friends and family, terms and conditions may apply!
DEAD INSIDE is limited to 3 slots for the cheapest iteration, 3 slots for Dead Inside II, and 13 slots for the most... euh... luxurious. There is no difference between these perks other than price. Availability is constrained by stretch goals and impacted by events in the story itself.
  - Every 500 USD / 5 000 SEK unlocks a new bonus perk.​​​​​​​
5 000
Fully funded! Every backer receives the original digital comic AND the new, updated, version of the comic.

10 000
Repeat panels/pages, used as a shortcut during production, will be removed and replaced with fresh artwork.

15 000
The lettering, rushed in places, will be brought up to standards.

20 000
A single, experimental, three-panel grid was used throughout the majority of the comic. No more!

25 000
By regrouping panels on some pages, space will be created on others for more action!

30 000
More pages will be added allowing for more action, more brawling, more backers, more death.

Don't worry, by the time we get here, I'll have already updated you with the next funding goals. Stay tuned!

In the city of Wørm, odd disappearances are the least of anyone's worries. Leviathans brought to the last city's walls by ever rising sea levels pose an existential threat to humanity itself. As Wørm spirals into ever deeper, darker, more terrifying depths – will the last bastion of human ingenuity triumph over the unrelenting onslaught of the elements?
One thing is for sure: every story has it's end.
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