It's 100% silly to have one but below
this short introduction begins a
list of uplifting comments
awesome people
have directed
my way

Oh man, these look cool!

Great work. I really dig those covers.

A man's struggle with a mountain frozen in time? What a concept... i like it!!

Good job sir! You are one of the greats!

The colors are really awesome! 💯✨️🌟🏆✏️✒️🖌🎨👍

Damn, dude. You rock

I don't know what the standards are but the comic sheets look beautiful

That looks really pretty.

LOVE: A bird so bright noone knows what it looks like. Beautiful drawings [Alexander] 💞

That's pretty epic

Wow, cool cover. I'll read it later!

A very long road indeed. It looks fantastic though.

This page used to be some typical "about me" nonsense but is thankfully being restructured/replaced by none other than...


So, if you leave a review, I'll add it to the website;
It may just be the only way to breathe some life into this place!
About me: I'm English, Swedish & was raised in France.
Since I colored my first few paid pages in 2016 in an airport in Amsterdam between flights, I've been completing comic-making teams as a colorist.
My run-of-the-mill client is an indie creator with way too much work on his hands – and thus not a big, bureaucratic publisher most everyone has heard of.
Here's what a typical pre-hiring conversation, with maxed out candour, might sound like:
WRITER – Hey man, you are doing a terrific job drawing our comic. I've got another bazillion (or more!) pages ready for you. What can I, as a writer do to speed up production?
ARTIST – Well, you're guaranteeing me work for the foreseeable future so I don't mind splitting the workload. Line-art is my forte, how about you find us a colorist?
WRITER – Hey, Alexander, did you hear that?
ME – Sounds awesome! Count me in! Hey, since we're building up a team, is it ok if I bring my go-to flatter Gustavo onboard? I'll pay him out of pocket and, together, we can keep things running smoothly on our end: I won't even have to worry about coloring over the lines!
WRITER – Sure! Do you take PayPal?
And, if you'd still, for whatever reason, like to know more about me, for completeness' sake, I've gone ahead and uploaded my resume.



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