Available while they're hot!

$25 490

$21 450

$23 420
My intent is to create groundbreaking comics; However new, original artwork is a frequent request.
Above you'll find some authenticity-shielded pieces with exquisite prices. The theme for these is:
"In the world of Trinity of War, there is a bird so bright no one knows what it looks like."
Without authenticity-filters, these graphite images look much more like the unfinished sketches below.
In other words, they were made with regular pencil on an antique-looking, textured paper.

10% commission for all direct sales referrals.
Hype warranted!

And, if you've scrolled this far, here's a little something extra as a reward:
The following three images are previews of original, signed artwork to be made available as unique campaign perks in OUR (you are now included) near-future crowdfunding efforts.

Again, these were made with regular pencil on my go-to textured paper.
As to what is depicted, the middle drawing is the basis for the cover of SHADOWS CAST FROM BROKEN SKIES; the other two are fairytale chapter pages from THE USUAL JIM, with one, in the final colored comic, being entitled THE MEDUSA TALE and the other THE AURORA MYTH.
Anyway, thank you for helping get the word out; feel free to use the contact form below and/or sign up to the Newsletter for hype-inducing launch updates.
Thank you!